Techwink Services

One-Stop Digital Agency

We offer full-stack web development, digital marketing and mobile application services together with requirements analysis, quality assurance, and project management.

MVP services

Build strategic MVPs powered by design-thinking and technical craftsmanship.

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Enterprise App Development

Get enterprise-Grade Apps Delivered Through State-Of-The-Art Technology

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NFT Marketplace

Build an ultramodern NFT marketplace that supports seamless integration with multi-blockchain solution.


AI/ML Development Services

Assist businesses in enhancing their decision-making abilities and automating their business operations and workflows.

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ChatGPT Integration Services

Comprises a suite of tools and services that facilitate developers in linking their chat applications with the ChatGPT platform.

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Startup Services

We discover the best solution for nurturing your idea and making your startup a successful enterprise.


Web Design​

Create a website that serves as the centerpiece of your online presence.


Web Development​

Get robust, top-notch website or web application with trending technologies.​


Mobile App Development

Empower your startups with android, iOS and windows mobile applications.​


API Integration

Get customized API integration services to match your enterprise requirements.​

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Social Media Marketing​

Deliver value to tune your social media campaign for maximum engagement and brand reach.

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Search Engine Optimization

Get targeted organic traffic, safeguard branded keywords, enhance visibility, and more.


Digital Consulting ​​

Creating value by reinventing the core and transformation, enabled by technology .

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Graphic Design​​

Transforms your message into a clear vision , using sophisticated graphic design technologies.

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With effective PPC campaign Get improved return on investment and brand exposure.


Product Engineering

We Deliver End-To-End Product Engineering Solutions, Get Future-Proof Software Products


Dev Ops

Implement DevOps for better communication & collaboration between teams.

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Learning Management System

Build Your E-Learning Business. We provide a fully customizable, secure, fast and robust eLearning management system.


Job Portal Development

Launch Excellent Job Portals with advanced features like Mass Mailing, Resume parsing, Applicant tracking system, Video resumes and Smart searching

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E-Commerce Website Development

Create Your Own Ecommerce Store with strong designs, effective shopping cart and secure Payment Getaway integration.

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Travel Website Development

We provide end to end travel portal development for a transparent and secure booking process.


Content Marketing​

Generate 3 times as many leads as traditional marketing, using content marketing strategies.

Rise to the top

Advise on technology selection

We assist you in choosing the most appropriate technology for your future solution as well as in replacing an outdated and ineffective one. 

count on us

The Experts

With a rich technology stack at our disposal, Techwink offers independent third-party advice on the technologies for your future solution, define which one will adequately solve the problems you may face and bring max value to your project.

try, try again

Best Practices

Our team delivers a clear application architecture ready for multiple integrations with your or third-party systems and help you optimize your software for increased reliability and performance, future scalability, engaging UX, big data introduction, implementation of real-time components, etc.


We Have Great Answers

Ask Us Anything

We prefer to keep things simple and straightforward:

We start with an initial consultation. This is a free, brief meeting in which we learn about each other and I get a deeper picture of your situation.

If there’s mutual interest, we work together to scope out a project.

After that, we execute the standard procedure and get started.

That’s it!

We,re interested in helping firms of all domains and sizes. If you’re looking to get started with data, or to do more with data, you’re probably a good fit. For example:

If you run a technology-driven company, you probably want to build (or rebuild) your internal analytics practice. Count me in.

Even if you don’t run a technology shop, you’re probably still sitting on useful data. I’ll show you.

Wait, so do you also work with startups and very small companies?

Indeed we do! We have a soft spot for young, growing companies. If you want to put data to good use, don’t wait to hire a full-time analytics lead. we can work with you on an ongoing, part-time, consulting basis to give you the guidance you need before you build that data team. We can also help smooth the path for your first data science hires.

Of course not. Nobody can make that guarantee (and if somebody ever makes that guarantee, it’s a good idea to run away quickly). A good plan is essential, but a plan alone will not get funded. Although we will do our best to help you prepare, we have no control over how well you present yourselves to investors, or how well you answer their questions. We can coach and we can mentor, but at the end of the day, it’s your business and you must close the deal.


Business Plan:


If you run a business, then it’s probably safe to say yes. In fact, you may require more than one business plan: one for raising capital and one for running your business. 

The former is a compact, easily digested strategic document that is designed to persuade potential investors to pick up the phone and invite you to their offices for an initial meeting. 

The latter is a more detailed document serving as a day-to-day roadmap, detailing the tactics supporting your overall strategy. 


The former needs to be an attractive document that sells; the latter can be a collection of spreadsheets, lists, research summaries, and other documents stuffed in a binder that you refer to and update on a regular basis. 

We specialize in preparing the capital-raising business plan, but many of the by-products are suitable for use in the operating business plan.


You could easily spend 500 hours or more preparing an investor-grade business plan, financial forecast, and investor presentation, even if you have an MBA. 

This is time you should probably be spending building your team, product, distribution channels, and customer base.

 In addition to our expertise in preparing these materials, we offer independent, third-party insights into your business, and may raise questions that you might not have thought to ask.

In general, we charge a pre-determined fixed fee. The fee is determined by:
  • The scope of the project, in terms of the tasks and documents you require help with.
  • The sophistication and specific needs of your target audience.
  • The quality of your existing materials, including early drafts of business plans, financial forecasts, market research, competitive research, etc. For instance, if you have a recent, comprehensive research report from a major market research firm like Forrester, our effort can be significantly reduced.
  • The clarity of your vision for your business model, marketing and distribution strategy, financial plans, etc.
  • The complexity of your industry and business model.
  • The availability of industry information.
  • The desired timing relative to our workload. In general, “rush” jobs will carry a substantial premium over projects that can be completed as our schedule permits.

You will have ability to keep close control over the project. Our assigned Project Manager will be your single point-of-contact for all issue resolution, and will work closely with your guidelines.
We will send you regular project status reports. We use a combination of pre-determined update schedules (normally email) and ad-hoc meetings (usually tele-conferences, or support portal).

We regularly speak to customers who have a problem managing an existing application. There can be several reasons for this, for example:

  • The application was built by employees who are no longer working for you.
  • The supplier cannot or will no longer provide support.
  • No knowledge about the application is available.
  • The technology is obsolete, there must be an upgrade or the application has to be rebuilt.
  • The maintenance costs for the application are too high.
  • The application no longer meets the need.

We can help you solve these issues. To begin with, we will discuss the maintenance philosophy with you. What do you want to achieve? In many cases, the store will have to remain open during the renovation. We therefore offer various alternatives based on your wishes. They may look like this, for example:

  • Set up a maintenance team that provides daily support and at the same time work on redeveloping and/or further developing the application and ensuring long-term continuity.
  • Executing a project to make the application maintainable, for example by performing a necessary upgrade, adding functionality and ensuring good maintenance documentation.
  • Offering support based on an SLA.