Techwink Services

Case Study - AI Artwork

Create your artwork using AI

expert legal help anytime, anywhere

AI Lawyer

About The Tool

AI-lawyer is an AI-based tool designed to provide expert legal help to users anytime, anywhere. The tool is equipped with several features that make legal processes easier, such as instant legal help, drafting legal documents, document review, document comparison, and more.

Our client required us to develop AI-lawyer tool using a combination of advanced technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and deep learning.

Techwink Services used NLP technology to understand and interpret the user’s legal queries and requests. It enables the tool to identify the context of the query and provide relevant legal information to the user.

Techwink's Strengths At A Glance​

Empowering users with outstanding services

AI-lawyer provides instant legal help to users who need quick guidance on legal matters. Users can input their legal queries into the tool, and AI-lawyer will provide relevant information and advice based on the user’s query.

The tool also enables users to draft legal documents quickly and easily. Users can input the necessary information, and AI-lawyer will generate a legally sound document, saving the user time and effort.

AI-lawyer also provides document review services to users. Users can upload their legal documents for review, and AI-lawyer will identify any errors or inconsistencies, ensuring that the document is legally sound and error-free.
The tool also enables users to compare legal documents, highlighting any differences between two versions of a document, making it easier for users to identify any changes made.

AI Lawyer

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