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How to create a Udemy clone?


Learning is getting on-trend day by day, everyone wants to enhance his skills and there is no better platform to learn than online learning platforms. There are thousands of people who want to learn something new on daily basis; there are countless categories to dive into and numerous courses to choose from, and that is where creating your own Udemy clone website can come in handy when you know there is a wide target audience waiting for it.

Ever since we have come across Covid-19 learning online has become way more robust and everyone now looks forward to learning online rather than going to have physical classes. Moreover; some platforms offer high-value learning content, that ensures you are learning the right material and in a proper way.

One of the biggest examples of such platforms is, Udemy. Also, Coursera is a notable name among E-learning platforms. These are the best learning platforms and if you could learn to clone either of these two websites, then you will not only get across a wide target audience but also help them achieve their learning goals.

In this article, we are going to discuss how you can create a Udemy clone website and successfully launch it. To know how to Create Udemy Clone, we have to get across the core functionality of the Udemy website, cloning it will be easy if you know what the value-added functions are. So, let us get started first with the business model.

If you’re interested in building a Learning Management System (LMS) using LifterLMS and WPEngine, we’ve got you covered in our blog on How To Create an LMS Using LifterLMS and WPEngine.

Business models for a learning website

There might be many websites offering you the same intent, but the most successful e-learning marketplaces would have a proper business model. It is therefore important to look into the right business model and features of a learning website. The most common business model layout includes;

  • User sign up (Both teachers and the learners)
  • Account creation
  • Creation of course content
  • Deducting a percentage from the sold courses


The business model is very simple and straightforward, also sometimes it is recommended to add your own business model. You may want to clone the Udemy website but the business model depending upon what are your exact requirements and needs.

Your website must provide its users with complete tools to not only create a course but also to deliver it properly. Whatever your business model is the main features and core functionality of the website should be intact. But knowing the business model is important as it earns you money. A few of the well-known business models are;

  • Paid certificates
  • Subscription-based
  • Affiliate Model
  • Paid courses
  • Corporate collaboration

These are some successful business models for the e-learning platforms, where your user can either sign up for paid courses, or free online courses but paid certificate. Also, you can make them have paid subscriptions to access the entire free courses library.

In Affiliate, model users get through resources and additional learning material that has an affiliate link attached to it. Choosing the right business model is as mandatory as creating an e-learning website.

Achieving goals through various platforms

Creating a Udemy website is not something that you cannot achieve; in fact, there are many platforms such as bubble and WordPress that lets you clone the Udemy website. All you have to do is to make a list of the features you want to include in your Udemy website. The most common plugins that allow you to create an online learning environment are;

  • Learn dash
  • bbPress
  • BuddyPress

These plugins of WordPress will surely get you to cover most of the Udemy core functions such as course creation, discussion, handling revenue, and more.

With the help of Learn Dash, you can easily create your e-learning platform, and further you will require integrating bbPress or the buddy press, which will mainly depend on what kind of expectations you have from your very own e-learning website. These plugins help to create a course forum.

Learn Dash also allows you to assign instructor roles to the users, they can easily create the course content and you can set the specific commission on it. Of course, so long as you know what Udemy-like features you want.

You can use any platform to create the clone, whether you use WordPress or any other platform. Let us shed light on what are the most important Udemy-like features.

What are the most important Udemy-like features?

Before you choose a platform to clone the Udemy website it is important to look into the core features of the Udemy platform, knowing these features will help you build your e-learning website in the best way possible. Let us get across some of the most important features.

Account and course creation

One of the most fundamental features is account and course creation, of course without creating a course e-learning is not complete. The course creation option should be allocated for the instructor only.

Also, updating the course should be an available feature. Under account, creation features have many other features associated with them such as user profiles.

Profile management

Profile management is a must-have feature, there at least two profile options for both teacher and the student, both profiles will vary. The teacher’s profile will be more detailed as compared to the student profile. Make sure you are not missing any information field inside the profile management.

Student Profile

Signed up users who want to join the e-learning platforms with the intent to learn will be joining under student profile, some of the important features are searching, filtering courses, and categories. These features will help the students to sort out things easily and choose from hundreds of courses. In the Udemy clone site, it is an important feature.

Teacher Profile

Teacher profile is as important as student profile, teacher needs to take courses and interact with students too. Teachers may need to update the course daily for that they need to have a proper profile loaded with options. The most important features are performance insight and updating course content.

Customer support

Customer support is the best part of e-learning websites, better the customer support higher the number of satisfied users. And especially in e-learning platforms customer support is very important.

While learning the course content students may experience various problems or may have certain questions regarding their learning. And same goes for teachers, even they can have questions, and customer support is the best answer.

Payment option to enroll

Of course, some courses come along with paid certifications or even paid fees, and for that your e-learning site should have a secure payment option, just like the Udemy website. Payment processing options should be easy to handle and should use secure payment gateways.

Recommendation feature

This feature is probably the most important as it brings about the learning essence; people will love to see recommendations about the relevant learning material. They will not only discover more courses but also they will love the suggestions.

Business collaboration

You can always take your e-learning website on next level if you include business collaboration feature, if your e-learning platform gets recognition with business collaboration then many companies and organization may contact to help them create courses specifically for the organization and their employees.

If you provide enough tracking data and performance insight, they can monitor their employees and it will not only help them, but also it will grow your e-learning website swiftly. Make sure you are using all the top-notch e-learning features in your Udemy clone site so that everyone can get the most out of it.

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Ripul Chhabra

With over two decades of hands-on experience in the realm of Information Technology, I've been dedicated to crafting exceptional websites, web applications, and mobile apps for both industry giants and innovative startups alike. My professional journey has been enriched with a deep focus on cutting-edge technologies such as AI development, Online Marketplace & e-commerce solutions, NFT marketplace development, Learning Management Systems (LMS), MVP creation, robust API development, SaaS solutions, and a myriad of other tech-driven domains. As a passionate observer of the ever-evolving digital landscape, I am committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends and innovations. My goal is to share these insights with you, our valued readers. Join me on this exciting voyage through the blogosphere, where we'll embark on a journey of exploration, learning, and mutual growth.

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